Advanced Ordering

Advanced Ordering your class files can be tricky.


Step 1 - Show edting tools
Step 2 - In the document section click Manage Files in School Suite
Step 3 - Assuming you already have a document album called class notes.... you have two ways to manage your files.   Click the wrench to the right and click Attachments  or....
Step 4 - Double click on your "Class Notes"  album and click Mange over on the right under the attachments section.
Step 5 - Assuming you already have files in your album, as shown, make sure you are on the Linked Files tab and over to the right click REORDER FILES
Step 6 - There are several ways to order you files.  By Title, File Type,  etc... see below
Step 7 - The easiest way if you just have one out of order is to click and drag them in the order you want.   Where it gets tricky is if you have a long list of files and would rather not click and drag and the order options dont seem to work to well either.   Notice below we are ordering by Caption but they do not seem to be in the right order.  Lesson 7 , then Unit 1  ... then Lesson 2.   Lets find out whats going on.
Step 8 - Ah hah,  the caption of this file is not consistant with the other captions!  Note the Caption is called 7.2 Notes  and Not Lesson 7.2   
Step 9 -  So I changed the Caption to match the other caption.  it so happens the internal Title was already named Lesson 7.2. 
Step 10 - The thing to remember here is that when you see the list of files in the file manager.  It always displays only the internal title name.  The caption is what your students see. 