Teacher FAQS

Whats the difference between Removing, Deleting and Unlinking Files?

Deleting a file completely from the server avoids mistakes and saves space on the server as well. Its pretty hard to accidently delete a file from the server.

Step 1 - As always show editing tools.
Step 2 - Here I am using a ficticious File Gallery Called Class Folder with a File called 3rd Peter
Step 3 - If I Click Manage Files in SchoolSuite
Step 4 - I can see the "Class Folder" album in the Class File Gallery list
Step 5 - If I Click Delete here, this will delete the album, but not the file.  Funny thing is, you will see no warning.  But no worries, the file has not been deleted.
Step 6 - So if I go back to the the File Manger
Step 7 - you can see the album called "Class Folder is no longer in the list" or on your class page.
Step 8 - Here is how you can fine the file or files.  Go back to the file manager, by either opening an existing album and clicking Manage or by clicking on the wrench icon and click Attachments. 
instructions  -- OR -- instructions
Step 9 - Click the Search Tab
Step 10 - Type in part of the file name, caption or description....  Although we deleted the album, the file was not deleted.  Notice,  the file was found only by typing in the letters "3r "
Step 11 - Lets try to remove the file another way.  I will quickly create another album
Step 12 -  Click Add Album, Give it a name,   then Save and Publish
instructions  and   instructions
Step 14 - Clink LINK to add the file back to the new album
Step 15 - you can see the new album if you refresh the page
Step 16 - Click Attachments.  This time we will remove the file not using the file manager.
Step 17 - Click the remove checkbox then click save.
Step 18 - The file is removed from the album
Step 19 - if you search for it you will see it has not been deleted.
Step 21 - Here is the only way you can really delete a file.   Click on the file in the manager and click DELETE
Step 22 - You know you are really deleting only when you see a warning. 